Hi there! I'm Sinead Cobbe, an Irish Chartered Physiotherapist, a yoga & somatics teacher and lymphoedema therapist.
After 30 years of experience as a physio, I'm now here to help you learn more about yoga, somatics & lymphatics.

Looking after our bodies and minds has never been more important. As someone who has suffered a lot from stress in the past, I really 'get this'. Teaching yoga and somatics has provided me with the missing links in my physiotherapy practice for treating pain, injury and the effects of stress on the body. Check out my youtube channel and blogs with health-related information, join my list for a monthly educational newsletter, book a 1:1 session with me or book a yoga class or workshop.

I kinda just love teaching yoga! It's a safe form of exercise (for the most part) when we have injuries, ailments or are just plain getting older ( like me!). With my physio skills, we can do this is a safe and fun way.
Yoga uses movement and breath to make your body stronger and more flexible. It teaches you your limitations and how to respect them. My slow-flow yoga works you hard or easy, reduces stress, helps sleep and puts a smile on your face! Let me help you to find joy and confidence in your body.
Check out my youtube channel for classes and tutorials or my barely beginners series to get you started!
Click here for class schedule and booking details
I am really excited to bring somatics, a little-known body technique, to those with pain, illness, stress or just simply those looking for a bit of relaxation. It has been a great new tool in my physio approach to complex and chronic pain. Somatics classes provide an opportunity to discover the power of gentle movement to soothe and relax your body and mind, tapping into the power of the parasympathetic nervous system.
Click here for more information

s a lymphatic therapist, I can tell you firsthand that the lymphatic system, an important cleansing and filtration system, is THE most forgotten system in our body. People with lymphoedema have been ignored too, receiving poor services, bad information and often feeling unsupported and scared.
Let me teach you to understand your lymphatics, get confidence back in your ability to self-manage, make friends with your body and move forward. Read my blogs on lymphoedema.​
Also, checkout a youtube series I did on self-lymphatic drainage here. ......and more goodies on my YPZ youtube series for lymphatics and lymphoedema.
One-one ZOOM
If you wish a 1:1 with me on any area of my expertise ( Musculoskeletal physiotherapy, hypermobility issues, lymphatic treatments, cancer recovery), I'm available for consultation and advice every Tuesday in MidWest Physiotherapy Clinic, Limerick. Please note, I provide somatics and yoga in a class environment only.
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