Somatics classes allow you the space to slow down and FEEL your body instead of just inhabiting it. In today's fast world, this is a chance to feel what's going on internally and learning some new strategies and tools.
Trauma and stress
One of the coping mechanisms for trauma is to dis-engage from your body and live in your head. Chronic stress does this too: running thoughts, fast breathing, feeling jittery and over-reacting to things. Somatics classes are another way to slow things down, get to know your body, make friends with it and get to feel the good part of having a body! Read my blog on relaxation here.
Chronic Pain or fatigue
Chronic pain is usually a symptom of an over-active nervous system. Somatics can teach you to re-boot it and, in time, reduce your pain levels. See my blog about this here. Chronic fatigue is complex and often makes us feel like we inhabit a different body - see my blog here on fatigue. Somatics is a gentle body exploration that can give you a feel-good feeling from that tired body.
Blogs and classes
If you want to know more, read my blogs on the origins of somatics, what a class feels like, what to expect etc ( click on somatics category, or scroll down for 5 posts)
My classes run from September '24 each Monday night at and I do taster sessions on-line at times. See booking site for more details.